
Hetty at Helena College

Hetty visited Helena College last week and spoke to the Students about her mission to educate and inform as many children as possible about the realities of the Holocaust. As a Survivor of the WWII atrocities committed by the Nazi regime, Hetty recounted her teenage years before being transported to the then exchange camp, Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp near Celle in Germany. She recalled the trauma of being separated from her parents and being held along with her two brothers Maxy and Jacky Werkendam and other quite young children, in what was called the Children’s Barracks, number 211.

hetty-one-student-helena-collegeThe students were most impressed with Hetty’s attitude to life and her energy at 87 years of age. Two newspaper articles were written about the visit to the College, one by Andrew Carter from Echo News and hopefully we will share these with you shortly.

Many thanks to Helena College and particularly Chris Jeffrey for these lovely images